Who We Are

TradeFoundry is the most efficient way for aspiring workers to be matched with employers in the skilled trades. With unbiased insights, a data driven approach, and dedicated career counselors, TradeFoundry helps candidates match with employers that are looking to realize their full potential. 

America has a skilled  labor crisis

The shortage of skilled labor is a persistent drag on the American economy. There simply are not enough people willing to fulfill the 1 million+ open jobs in construction and skilled labor.

Our country has prioritized college while stigmatizing the trades. About a third of Americans under the age of 30 have some form of student debt. As a country, we have $1.6 trillion in collective student debt - about the size of Canada's entire economy.

TradeFoundry helps solve this problem

We believe the trades provide a path to a steady, fulfilling, in-demand career for many Americans. Our goal is to help make the trades an attractive career path and usher in the next generation of workers.

TradeFoundry is a mission-driven technology company focused on solving the skilled labor shortage. We use technology and human empathy to modernize the way people are recruited into the skilled trades. 

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